August 08, 2009

simultaneous craftin'

okay so my personal limit of projects on the go is 3....
but truth be known i've got four!
two of them are these: baby afghan & manscarf for lovelli
gettin' great pleasure out of knitting/crochet as of late....not as many frustrations

today: lunch in chinatown with girls then off to some theatre then home to hangout for the night


nina said...

are they your feet? did you make that?

fifi said...

yes they are my feet. yes i made that. why?

nina said...

Because you constantly dazzle me with you brilliance! Fantastic! Jeez, I've picked up that word from BBC.

fifi said...

shucks! thanks toots - your cushions are right up there tho you know!!!!

Catherine said...

That is so impressive! I love the colours in the baby afgahan. It's been far too long since I did any crochet, mine was getting a little too pink for my liking, but now maybe I should start again.

Martina said...

Bloomin heck!! That's amazing...I am so rubbish at knitting/crochet - sigh!